Dear Friday

Breakfast in bed

Hello and welcome to a new Friday, the door to the weekend! How was your week? This week was uneventful – especially compared to the last one when we drove home and back to London within 3 days (yes, we do these things).  We had Sunday to unpack and re-group – and of course, thanks to that, our meal prep was a bit sketchy, though we stayed on the whole30 track. We’ve gotten the hang of our morning routine, getting up, lemon water and yoga and then we really enjoy sitting down having breakfast with hazelnut milk coffee. Weird, I’d never though I would like that dairy-free concoction or have enough time to sit and chat on a weekday breakfast. I didn’t even do that at school (especially not the chatty bit, which is unusual for me). The energy levels are still low – G almost keels over sideways after dinner, but then she just started a new job, so she might have a good excuse here. We both saw some changes, but feel it’s too early to draw conclusions. Probably we should think about adding another 30 days….? No idea, but that can be discussed on the weekend.

What else did I find interesting this week?

It might be a good thing to stay away from pre-packaged, ready-made food and invest some time into cooking yourself, especially when you read this study.

We let it happen, by looking away, by not listening or not being able to see the signs – the stitch would you wear it?

Not whole30 approved, but it looks oh so great: sweet potato and apricot cake

Already looking for Easter Egg decoration? Try this one, this one or this one

I have said that the week was uneventful, and it was, until a few hours ago I learned that Micro’s new buddy Balto passed away. It’s so, so sad! I hope he finds plenty of interesting things to explore in doggy heaven!! Life is quite short people, let’s enjoy it while we have the possibility to do so. Plan something nice for this weekend.

Walking with friends: Austin & Micro outside of the water and Balto in the middle of it

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